Automating Native Mobile Apps with Appium Commands
4. Automating Native Mobile Apps with Appium Now that we have set up the environment for Appium, we can move on to the actual testing process. In this section, we will create a basic Appium test that interacts with a mobile application. 4.1 Appium Commands for Interacting with Mobile Elements (Taps, Swipes, Inputs, etc.) In this section of the tutorial, we will explore the commands and methods available in Appium for interacting with mobile elements such as taps, swipes, inputs, and more. These commands are essential for automating interactions with mobile apps during testing. We'll cover the commonly used commands and their usage in Appium using the Java client. Locating Mobile Elements: i. Use the findElement(By locator) method to locate a single element based on a specified locator strategy (e.g., ID, XPath, class name). ii. Use the findElements(By locator) method to locate multiple elements based on the same locator strategy. Example : java Copy code MobileElement element ...