14 Best Selenium Practice Exercises for Automation Practice
This page contains the list of Selenium Program exercises for automation practice. Your skills will definitely get a boost after solving these Selenium Practice Assignments. In these assignments, you will find the Sample Applications for Automation Testing . These Practice Assignments are designed in such a way that learners can enhance their automation skills. They also include multiple Sample Test Cases for Selenium along with step-by-step description which needs to be automated. Reference links to Selenium WebDriver Commands for solutions are provided in the assignments. 10 Best Selenium Practice Exercises for Automation Practice Automate Amazon-like e-Comm Website with Selenium WebDriver In this self-learning project assignment, we'll automate all the major e-commerce website features with Selenium and Java. We'll automate Sign-up and login, search products, and purchase products for Amazon an e-commerce website. Automate GoDaddy.com Website features with Se...